if u are single, it can be pretty frustrating to have your paired-off friends or family constantly telling you that if u only did this or that thing, u would surely meet the date of your dreams. Inwardly you roll your eyes and think you'll go crazy if u are forced to attend one more "singles" event -or rewrite your personel-ad headline for the fifth time.
Somehow those romantic "meet cute" stories that happen in the movies never seem to happen in your life. What should you do? Here is a list of places and ideas, designed to spark your own creativity. Some you may have heard before, some ideas may be new to you. And while there's no guarantee that by following these suggestions you'll meet the love of your life, at least you'll get out more!
Answer the phone. This seems simple, but so many of us rely on answering machines and voicemail to screen our calls.Dont't be afraid of the phone-pick it up!
Buy yourself a stack of those magazines that you don't usually buy- the expensive glossy ones you save for plane trips-and go sit in a park reading them.
Cast your net wide. Tell everyone you know you'd like to be set up on a blind date.
Dogs are a great way to meet new people, and even if all u meet are a bunch of losers, at least u have a new friend who loves you just for being you. Get a dog.
Eat at restraunts alone. There's nothing wrong with having a good book as your dinner companion.
Feed the ducks ina local park.
Go back to school.Take a class in something interesting.You might not meet the love of your life, but you might make some new friends who introduce you to more friends, and so it goes, widening your social circle and upping your chances.
Hairstyle fun:A new cu or color can not only change your appearance but might even shake up your outlook on life. If you've always had long hair, get it chopped. If you favor a short'do, try a different style or color.
Internships: If you're a college student, what better summer job is there than an internship in your chosen field? It'll further your career and widen your circle.
join a local conversation salon or book group. Check your local library bulletin board for ideas.
Kites. Go fly one, at a nearby park or beach.Trust me, it will make you smile, and people with kites are approachable.
Love yourself.sounds trite, but it's true.
Make paper valentines for your friends and coworkers, the more doilies and glitter the better.
Never put yourself down on a date. Self-depreciation only makes people wonder why they're bothering to spend time with you if you keep giving them reasons not to.
Organize a potluck dinner party for friends, and ask everyone to bring at least one new person to introduce to your crowd.
Pick up flowers for yourself, and fill your home with fragrant bouquets.
Quit something-lots of people meet their mates at support groups!
Read a section of the newspaper you usually skip.Breaking out of your routine can have a ripple effect.
Sleep in on the weekend. Sometimes our lives are so busy we don't take the time to relax and catch up on our rest, and life spent running araound all the time is stressful.
Try a new food, something you always assumed you wouldn't like.
Upset the status quo. Wear the wrong attire for a normal party. Bring your dog to a fancy restraunt. Yoru confidence will be attractive, even if you're asked to leave.
Volunteer for a cause near and dear to your heart.Don't sign up expecting to meet potential dates, but just feel good abaout doing something you believe in. Your new sense of self-worth will follow u wherever you go.
Wear something from the back of your closet. We all have clothes we love and then forget about. Rediscover old favorites!
Xmark the spot. Throw a "treasure hunt" party for your friends, with the final destination being a new restraunt or club you've been wanting to try.
Yoga soothes both bosy and mind. If yo've never tried it, find a local class or buy an instructional video.
zoos are an excellent place to spend a free afternoon. If you're stuck for an interesting idea for a first date, consider this unusual alternative.
Miriam Zellnik
Not: Fotoğraf Küçük Hikayeler'e aittir...
bayıldım buna...supersin adascıgım. cok iyi geldi boyle bir yazıyı okumak!!
yarın kutsal gun
opuyorum kocaman
Posted by: zeynep | February 13, 2007 at 11:07 AM
adaşçığımmmm, bende zaten yarın kutsal gün diye hemen yazayım dedim:P moraller düzelsin, gülümseyip, hoplayalım zıplayalım diye, hayat kısa, iyi davranmalı hayata;)
beğenmene çokk sevindim:)
Posted by: zyn₪p | February 13, 2007 at 12:19 PM
arkadaslar, bu saydiklariniz adeta NY icin yazilmis, cunku 2 milyona yakin bekar var. ama yeni arastirma sonuclari ortaya cikti, ve kadinlarin sayisi bu sehirde erkeklerden 500.000 daha fazlaymis, erkekler grubundaki gay arkadaslarida dahil ettigimizde rakam kadinlar safhasinda daha da yukseliyor.
Ofiste iliski siddetle yasak, prof lar yasli, talebeler genc vs vs. Kansas Wichita'ya tasinmayi dusunuyorum ciddi ciddi. Wichita Muhtari olacagim yakinda demedi demeyin.
Grumpy Muhtar ;-))
Posted by: New York Muhtari | February 13, 2007 at 04:42 PM
New York muhtarı ay pardon:) yakın gelecekte Kansas Wichita muhtarı, ne diyorsunnnn:P NY'deki bayanları sen sollar geçersin ne de olsa muhtarsın ama olsun Kansas Wichita'nınde muhtarı olmak kötü 1 şey değil, sen nerede mutlu isen oranın muhtarı ol...
2 milyon bekar olan şehre selamlar:D
Posted by: zyn₪p | February 13, 2007 at 05:14 PM
Ama bunlarin hicbiri ise yaramiyor deyip bunalim yapmanin alemi yok de mi:))) Sevgiyle kal guzel:)
Posted by: elif | February 13, 2007 at 10:52 PM
elifcimmm, tabi ki bunalım yapmanın hiç bir alemi yok cunku hayat guzel;) aborjinlerin 1 sozu var "biri ile sonsuza kadar hastalanacagıma, yalnız hastalanırım daha ii"
o yuzden layy layy lommm hayat diyelim ve gülümseyelim;)
sende sevgiyle kal, operim yanaklarından:D
Posted by: zyn₪p | February 14, 2007 at 09:15 AM
cok guzel zeynepcim. :D hehe, en cok okula tekrar git yazan hosuma gitti..
Posted by: TugCe | February 16, 2007 at 09:13 AM
tugcecim, beğenmene çok sevindim, sen okulun tadını çıkar ;)
guzel 1 haftasonu diliyorum...
Posted by: zyn₪p | February 16, 2007 at 10:18 AM